.What are our plans for Autumn and Winter 2019?Well more courses of course 🙂Here is a list of all the courses until 2020. Some of them are almost full, so hurry and apply now!
10. – 12. 10. 2019 –> Developing Emotional Intelligence In a world of AI we need more EI. Learn to teach your students about awareness of their emotions and support them in their ability to empathise with others. 10. – 19. 10. 2019 –> Multiculturalism – Teacher’s role in the integration process of immigrant children Who is up for fostering diversity and multiculturalism in kindergartens and primary schools? This course will teach you how to implement activities with different stakeholders in the process of integration of immigrant children. 10. – 26. 10. 2019 –> ICT in my classroom: Enhancing students’ learning, collaboration, motivation, and creativity across the curriculum Edmondo, Google docs, Padlet, Wikis, WeVideo, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, … The students already use half of them. So why shouldn’t you use them at your advantage? By the end of the course, you’ll be the coolest teacher at your school. –> Science for primary school children: When complicated becomes fun and easily understandable Sometimes it’s hard for younger students to imagine all the abstract ideas we try to present to them. Make learning science attractive again. At this course you will learn to make your presentations fun and simple. And most important, you will learn to make your lessons easier for your students to understand. 11. – 16. 11. 2019 –> Preventing early school leaving Does you school have problem with drop out? Than this is a course for you. Join the course and the only drop will be in your drop out rates. –> Teaching character: Positive psychology for every teacher This course shows how can inspiring teachers integrate teaching character strengths, optimism, positive emotions, resilience, and positive relationships into their own teaching. You will learn how to use positive psychology tools to improve students’ engagement, accomplishments, grit, and persistence. –> Peer coaching as a sustainable source of professional development Learn to ask powerful questions. By using this tool, you can help your colleagues and students to GROW. 11. – 23. 11. 2019 –> Developing effective communication skills The course is based on Transactional analysis, a theory of communication and personal growth. Participants will recognise their own communication patterns, develop feedback giving techniques and learn to recognise psychological games. –> What provokes conflict and how can we manage it? By getting to know the Relationships Awareness Theory, the participants will develop core skills to build effective relationships and learn to avoid unnecessary conflict. 11. – 29. 11. 2019 –> Career development survival kit: Enhance employability and improve career prospects ofteachers and students In this rapidly changing world it’s hard to find some stability. By attending this course, teachers will be empowered to support their children and students to develop their own career competences and find their own stability. 12. – 06. 12. 2019 –> Teaching entrepreneurship in schools: Experiential approach 5 € challenge, lean start-up, design thinking, prototyping, business modelling and planning.. all this and more are the key learning concepts of the course. Learning by doing is the best way to become an successful entrepreneur – and an entrepreneur teacher. –> Teaching Creativity in schools Attend this course to learn new creativity teaching methods in order to improve school curricula and provoke more “out of the box” thinking by the students. 12. – 14. 12. 2019 –> Non-formal participative teaching methods Over the course of this 7-day training, we will learn and practice the participatory learning methodologies that include World Café, Open Space Technology, Appreciative inquiry, Circle Practice and others. Did we get your attention but you have more questions before you make the pre-registration? That’s great! Please write us an email to [email protected] We’ll be happy to help you get the perfect Erasmus+ experience. With love, Primera Group |
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LINKSPrimera's practical handbook for writing high quality Erasmus+ mobility projects.
Pan-European Conference on Digital Education Facebook Community. Primera's FB page. Work with us on Erasmus+ KA2 projects: STEP Institute. |