Company Information, Privacy Policy and Documents Templates.
Primera's Ljubljana OID number: E10091479 Primera's Ljubljana PIC code: 949416601 Primera's Vienna OID number: E10298896 |
As such, it needs to filled in as well as signed and stamped by the Sending and the Receiving Organisation before the start of the mobility. |
Both Sending and Receiving Institution can fill it in before the start of the course, however, a sign and a stamp can only be given at the end of the completed mobility or after. |
Erasmus+ by Primera for teachersErasmus+ courses by Primera are dedicated to teachers who value evidence-based and practice-driven training in highly interactive international atmosphere.
OID Ljubljana: E10091479 OID Vienna: E10298896 E: [email protected] T: +386 1 320 28 43 Privacy Policy |
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