Being a teacher or trainer is not only about lecturing facts to students or learners. By spending time with our students (either in person or online) we have a unique position to have a direct impact on different areas of their lives. This is especially relevant in cases where students/learners do not have good role models in their lives. It is important they have someone who connects with them and supports them also in the process of learning and developing emotional and social skills. The high prevalence worldwide of stress among young people, the small rise in life satisfaction, and the synergy between learning and pleasant emotions all argue that teachers and trainers need to focus also on teaching the skills of emotional intelligence and ability to establish emotional balance. We need teachers and trainers who can strengthen learners’ ability and skills to perceive, recognize, understand, and manage emotions as well as their ability to connect with others in a supportive and meaningful way. We had an opportunity to explore the role of emotions in teaching with a group of wonderful teachers from Spain, Romania, Turkey, Croatia, Czech Republic and Portugal. During online training, which was generously supported by Erasmus+ KA2 project FLOW (2020-1-ES01-KA204-083267), we explored how emotions evolve.
In developing emotional intelligence we focus on 5 pillars of emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman: self-awareness, self-management, empathy, social skills and motivation. Self-awareness Self-awareness is about understanding your own emotions, knowing WHAT are you feeling and WHY are you feeling. With self-awareness we slow down and pay attention. Self-management With good self-management we are able to adjust emotions to certain situations. We express emotions rather than hide or burry feelings inside. Empathy Empathy enables us to connect with other people's emotions. It is about stepping into someone else's shoes and respond to their feelings. Social skills By practicing self-awareness, self-management and empathy we strengthen our social skills resulting in connecting with people in a productive way. Motivation Self-motivation and motivation of others are directly connected with emotional intelligence. Because knowing your triggers and triggers of others enables you to respond optimistically on failures and barriers not only in learning situations but also in your personal life. For practicing five pillars of emotional intelligence in your classroom join our Developing Emotional Intelligence Erasmus+ course. Project partners: Ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih Dante, EFEM AKDENIZ GENCLIK VE SPOR KULUBU DERNEGI, EDUCA – vzdelavaci centrum, s.r.o., STEP Institut, zavod za psihologijo dela in podjetnistvo, Asociatia Centrul European pentru Integrare Socioprofesionala ACTA, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Estepona, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas San Roque, Uciliste Studium – ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih.
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