Teaching Creativity in Schools
I.D.E.A.S! = Method for productive team-work and constructive project-work.
Erasmus+ course summary
The participants become skilled in a method of creatively confronting challenges of teaching and training creativity and developing project mind-set, developed by Dimis Michaelides. They will be able to use this method by themselves or even teach others how to think more creatively with the help of I.D.E.A.S! 5 stage model for creatively confronting challenges.
The participants become skilled in a method of creatively confronting challenges of teaching and training creativity and developing project mind-set, developed by Dimis Michaelides. They will be able to use this method by themselves or even teach others how to think more creatively with the help of I.D.E.A.S! 5 stage model for creatively confronting challenges.
"Make no mistake about it, your mistakes are your best friends." – Dimis Michaelides
Session dates
2025 |
17 - 22 February |
Ljubljana, SLO |
18 - 23 August |
Ljubljana, SLO |
6 - 11 October |
Ljubljana, SLO |
2026 |
9 - 14 February |
Ljubljana, SLO |
20 - 25 April |
Ljubljana, SLO |
24 - 29 August |
Ljubljana, SLO |
23 - 28 August |
Ljubljana, SLO |
Dates not convenient?
Contact us to explore alternatives together. |
Status options:
open for registration / confirmed / full. |
Teach with Variety of Thinking Tools.
We don't need teachers to give information. We need teachers who inspire critical, constructive and creative thinking.
Course Content
Training usually takes place between 9:00 am and 14:00 pm, followed by after-class activities, that are optional.
DAY 1 We start off with an introductory meeting, explanation of practical arrangements and presentation of the participants and timetable. The participants are encouraged to express their expectations, needs and wishes regarding the content of the programme and learning methods. * We then continue with addressing the need for teaching creative and constructive thinking in schools, and to adults in organisations. The Sources of Creativity: Talent, Energy, Method. I.D.E.A.S! method – a 5 stage model for Creatively Confronting Challenges. Divergence and Convergence – search for alternatives first, focus on the essence later (E. and A. in practice - brainstorming and evaluation process done right). DAY 2 I-nvestige: noting down relevant information and feelings. Using divergent and convergent mind-map & identifying key facts and developing a mini-vision concerning the challenge D-efine: looking at the challenge from many different viewpoints and breaking it up into smaller, more manageable issues. Developing a good challenge definition by using the Ladder of Abstraction. D-efine: practicing Ladder of Abstraction. DAY 3 E-nvision: seeking actionable ways to confronting a clearly defined challenge by generation many different ideas and structuring them. Learning and using the tool: Brainstorming and Brainwriting. Picture Association. E-nvision. Learning and using the tool: Picture Association. Half-day excursion. DAY 4 E-nvision. Learning and using the tool: S.C.A.M.P.E.R. E-nvision. Learning and using the tool: Magical Idea A-pprase: after developing a short list of key ideas we now consider and judge potential of each idea and select the best. Learning and using the tool of divergent and convergent evaluation: judgment matrix and criteria ranking. DAY 5 A visit of a teacher from practice. S-tart! Ideal and Catastrophic Scenario. S-tart! Strategy of Persuasion and Action Plan. DAY 6 Evaluation and farewell. Documentation and certificates of attendance. * Some changes in the programme are possible - the content of the course is always adapted to the participants previous knowledge, expectations and requirements. The participants receive the Informational Booklet a few weeks prior to the start of the course. |
Enhance the quality of teaching with various thinking tools.
Watch some videos about thinking tools -
99 second Videoclips
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