March was one busy month here at Erasmus+ courses. We successfully conducted 7 different trainings, included more than 70 participants that came from more than 14 different European countries.
In the beginning of the month a group of our participants had the opportunity to train with our Janja Rebolj on raising awareness into dynamics of relationships and interpersonal conflicts that contribute to their personal development during the course Preventing Early School Leaving. Later on we had people joining the Preventing Child Violence and Abuse course where participants learned the techniques to empower children to be safe, strong and free. It is a course on educating the children to understand what NO means, educating them about their rights and how to achieve all that trough interactive workshops that make it easy and fun for kids to understand. During the course Teaching Entrepreneurship in Schools: Experiential Approach participants mostly played with Legos (smile). We know, It sure looks like it from the picture. But actually presented in the picture is prototyping. An essential part of the entrepreneurship process. The participants got teaching guidelines for teaching core entrepreneurial competencies, including business modeling, design thinking and business planning. The final week of March was dedicated to courses on Developing Effective Communication Skills where participants were educated on basics of Transactional Analysis and how to use it in communicating with their students, all trough lots of role playing and dynamic games. At the same time there was a course Teaching Creativity in Schools, inspired by deBono, where participants got the toolbox needed to teach students how to develop their thinking and creativity. Don’t be fooled into thinking that Eramus+ courses in Ljubljana is all about studying. We had some beautiful trips in the afternoons around Slovenia. Getting to know the most beautiful sights and realizing they have to come back for more. Thank you everyone for all the special time we spent together! |
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LINKSPrimera's practical handbook for writing high quality Erasmus+ mobility projects.
Pan-European Conference on Digital Education Facebook Community. Primera's FB page. Work with us on Erasmus+ KA2 projects: STEP Institute. |