In the Long Tail Partnership we are working intensively on Increasing Accessibility of International Professional Development for Language Teachers. Joint effort of the Deutsche Auslandsgesellschaft, Euneos, and STEP Institute gave birth to the three international free of charge online courses for language teachers. Kindly invited to join! Each course accepts maximum 30 language teachers. We will give a priority to language teachers with fewer possibilities to access the Erasmus+ funding. Therefore, the selection procedure will take place. Please, apply to one course only! If you apply to more of them, we will consider your first application only. The three courses are:
Digital Turn: Online Teacher-Training on Using Digital Tools in Language LearningTime: 27th & 28th April 2022, 2 days, 6 hours each day (2 h synchronous & 4 h asynchronous), starting time: 15:00 CET Location: Zoom Official language: English Course leader: Euneos This online training will provide an insight into eTwinning platform and its contribution in language teaching and learning. It will also introduce digital tools for teaching and learning languages, and introduce instruments for sustainability of digitalization in language teaching and learning. In the end you will be able to use eTwinning platform as a safe environment for language teaching and learning, in internationalization and opportunities for professional development. You will be able to use different digital tools to support language teaching and learning. The participants will become acquainted with the instrument for a stable and durable implementation of language learning and digitalization.
Asynchronous activities: Learning Diary: Padlet Activity: eTwinning board Introduction and testing of simple digital tools and apps eTwinning tasks: - use the digital tools in the classroom and share the results and outcomes in the project - feel free to include your students - join the forum discussions in the group and the project Trainer: Spasia Neshkoska Tsutsuleska
Online Deutsch als Fremdsprache unterrichten2. und 3. Juni 2022 (Do./Fr.), jeweils von 9:00 Uhr bis 14:30 Uhr MEZ Online-Fortbildung für DaF-Lehrkräfte in einem Zoom-Raum der Deutschen Auslandsgesellschaft Offizielle Sprache: Deutsch Kursleiter: Deutsche AuslandsGesellschaft Beschreibung Es werden Möglichkeiten des Einsatzes im Unterricht verschiedener, eher weit verbreiteter Tools für den DaF-Unterricht vorgestellt – z. B. LearningApps, Mentimeter, Kahoot!, Quizlet oder Classroom Screen. Darüber hinaus wird einfaches Basiswissen zu Themen wie z. B. Freie Audio- und Videodateien recherchieren (OpenSource) und Public Domain und Creative Commons – Fotos, Grafiken und Audios zur Unterrichtsnutzung behandelt. Die Fortbildung richtet sich an Lehrkräfte, die nicht gern und/oder eher selten digitale Lehrmethoden nutzen. Auf gründliche Art und Weise wird Basiswissen vermittelt, wobei die Seminar-Teilnehmenden sowohl aus Lehrkraft-Perspektive den optimalen/professionellen Einsatz der behandelten Tools lernen als auch aus der Perspektive von Schülerinnen und Schülern denken lernen sollen. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Vermittlung von Tipps und Tricks für kooperatives Lernen. Im Rahmen einer mindestens 30-minütigen Breakout-Raum-Phase werden zum Erfahrungsaustausch-Kontakte in Kleingruppen zu Lehrkräften bzw. -Lehramts-Studierenden aus Deutschland ermöglicht. Lernziele Die Seminar-Teilnehmenden (Deutsch-als-Fremdsprache-Lehrkräfte) sollen befähigt werden/erfahren,
Vorgesehener Haupt-Fortbilder Andreas Westhofen (Düsseldorf) ist freiberuflicher Webredakteur und Fortbilder, verantwortlich u. a. für das Fachportal Er führt seit mehr als 20 Jahren Fortbildungen zur Didaktik und Methodik neuer Medien (u. a.) im DaF-Bereich durch – sowohl im Rahmen von Präsenzveranstaltungen als auch per Videokonferenz; seit 2015 und insbesondere seit 2020 dabei häufig im Auftrag der Deutschen Auslandsgesellschaft. Learner Voice: Engage Language Students in Participative Collaborative LearningTime: 12th & 13th July 2022, 2 days, from 15:00 to 19:00 CET (Brussels Time) Location: Zoom Official language: English Course leader: STEP Institute Outline The Non-formal participative teaching methods is a course for educators who want to explore the art of learning and create an educational system that ignites the love of learning and uses the best talents of teachers and others to create results that matter for our societies. Participatory Learning Methodologies offer educators a new way to HOST and CREATE learning communities. Over the course of this training, we will learn and practice the participatory learning methodologies that include World Café, Open Space Technology, Appreciative Inquiry, and Circle Practice. By experiencing the main tools of participatory learning the participants get the necessary skills for building a community of practice to reawaken the love of learning. The main goal of the training is to help teachers engage the students by participatory learning. The participants get familiar with the impact they can have on students by their active involvement. They learn how to build social capital that increases social and emotional learning. As our goal is also to encourage the participants to build learning communities in their home countries, they receive methods plans for their own use. Learning Outcomes By the end of the training participants will be able to:
Trainer Petra Založnik is a trainer at STEP Institute. She earned her bachelor’s degree in educational science and sociology of culture. Petra has been working as a trainer, facilitator, evaluator and as a host in multiple settings: from Public Administration to NGO’s sector in the corporate and private sector. She teaches, designs and hosts participatory approaches and narrative practices for organizations and groups who want to lead and work together in a more collaborative way. Some of her topics are change management, participatory learning, multiculturalism, sustainable development, participatory leadership, entrepreneurship and storytelling. Petra is interested in developing innovative learning environments and real-time engagement that enables us to move forward towards changes and more sustainable actions. eTwinning
Join the Long Tail eTwinning group and project and benefit from international in-service training free of charge, learning and teaching material published there, and creating new projects with your fellow colleagues. Long Tail eTwinning group: Long Tail eTwinning project: |
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LINKSPrimera's practical handbook for writing high quality Erasmus+ mobility projects.
Pan-European Conference on Digital Education Facebook Community. Primera's FB page. Work with us on Erasmus+ KA2 projects: STEP Institute. |