Winter is coming and we look back to autumn with pleasure and satisfaction. In October and November 2015 Primera team organised three Erasmus+ courses: Building Relationships & Developing Effective Communication Skills, Teaching Entrepreneurship and Teaching Creativity. We had a pleasure to spend three weeks in the company of 38 great participants from 13 different countries from all over Europe. We are also very proud that we hosted participant from Philippines for the first time. Our trainers Janja, Ana, Nastja, Blanka and Tine did a great job of passing the knowledge and experience to their eager and engaged Erasmus+ groups.
This time we decided to use the evaluation forms of participants to give you a feeling of our courses. In Teaching Creativity group we have heard that for some participants creativity is a personal passion, so they decided to learn about new methods and new perspectives on creativity. Others already knew a bit about de Bono methods and they wanted to improve their skills. Our guests were happy to find out that creativity is not only something intuitive you already have or don’t have, but a skill you can learn. Participants from Teaching Entrepreneurship group wanted to develop skills on how to make their teaching more entrepreneurial and how to be better in developing and coordinating entrepreneurial projects with their students. They liked the practical cases and experiential approach – they got the chance to test their ideas “out of the building” – in the field. The course was very interactive, atmosphere was great (all participants and both trainers created their own WhatsApp group and are still in contact :)), teaching methods were innovative and valuable. Some teachers are already implementing new knowledge and skills in their work with students: they are developing prototypes for having their own lottery business and a stand. Participants form Building Relationships & Developing Effective Communication Skills got the chance to get to know two topics in one week and they were satisfied with new insights into their communication and relationships in private and work life. What all three courses had in common were interesting and useful topics, new and creative ideas for work and life, innovative teaching methods, quality materials and excellent trainers. Of course we didn’t forget about more relaxed and fun parts of the mobility experience. Participants enjoyed surprisingly sunny and warm Ljubljana, spend “alternative” evening at Metelkova, saw the “restaurant in the sky”, visited mysterious Postojna cave where they met the human fish and tasted different cuisines (not only Slovenian, but also Bangladeshi). Let us conclude with a few thoughts of our participants: “Ljubljana is a cute place”, “Creativity is a necessity for better life” and “The course could be longer” :). We can confirm Ljubljana really is cute, we promise we will put all our efforts into providing courses that are worth every minute of your time and help you make your lives better. We are excited and happy to hear and read such positive feedbacks and we kindly thank to all our participants – or to be more precise – our colleagues and friends. |
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LINKSPrimera's practical handbook for writing high quality Erasmus+ mobility projects.
Pan-European Conference on Digital Education Facebook Community. Primera's FB page. Work with us on Erasmus+ KA2 projects: STEP Institute. |