On 9th July 2020 we hosted our first Online Teacher Intervision session. 7 participants from different countries together with a moderator Maria Grecu discussed relevant teaching challenges. Participants who are ready to learn and building their competencies in the middle of holidays. 😊
Intervision is a form of a peer coaching. Teachers from different backgrounds come together working as a team to answer some questions or a problem related to their work. With different cultural, language, geographical, educational and teaching level background we ensure diverse thinking regarding the issues, which is needed for creative solutions. Among various topics such as project learning, monitoring of math students during their homework in distance teaching, how to motivate students for math, motivation in online teaching, special needs students in distance teaching participants chose two to discuss in depth: student motivation and special needs. Some feedbacks from participants:
International learning and collaboration among teachers lead to higher quality of teaching in 21st century. Thank you all for a wonderful collaboration. |
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LINKSPrimera's practical handbook for writing high quality Erasmus+ mobility projects.
Pan-European Conference on Digital Education Facebook Community. Primera's FB page. Work with us on Erasmus+ KA2 projects: STEP Institute. |